School Grounds and Building:

Users of the school grounds out of school hours are informed that usual school rules still
apply (this includes local children living near the grounds).
Horse riding and trail bike riding in the grounds are prohibited. School Council does approve the hiring out of school facilities to community groups. Such groups must have their own public liability policy.

Parents and Friends Committee

Our Parents and Friends Committee is made up of the parents of children attending this school. The Committee meets monthly during the year and all parents are welcome to attend. Parents and Friends is a less formal body than School Council.

Activities include making new parents welcome, running fund-raising events and social activities.


The School Council is the governing body of the school. It determines School Policies, oversees the maintenance and development of buildings and grounds, is accountable for school finances and responsible for stimulating and maintaining interest in the school.

Other powers of the School Council include employment of non-teaching staff, overseeing construction works, determining the use of the school by other groups, approving school programs, community education activities, fund-raising, the purchase of equipment and the establishment of various sub-committees.


School Council is generally made up of 8 elected parents, 3 elected staff, the principal and 1 Co-opted Member.
Any parent of a child at the school can be nominated for School Council.


School Council has a number of sub-committees led by a School Councillor. Any parent may become a member of a School Council Sub-Committee. Sub-Committees may include, Finance, Facilities, Education and others as needed.


School Council meets in the school meeting room at 7.30pm in the second week of each month. All parents are welcome to attend these meetings.
School Councillors are YOUR REPRESENTATIVES! Council activities are reported to parents through "The GAS". Parents should not hesitate to contact School Councillors to express ideas or concerns about the school.